Monday, March 12, 2007

Where did I go wrong? Where did I go wrong? Where did I go wrong? Where did I go wrong? Where did I go wrong?Where did I go wrong?

Our dog is, essentially, an emotional cripple. Raised for the first three years of his life in a kennel, fed gruel and mash with dozens of other dogs at the same time. So, you can imagine, he has some tendencies that I like to call "home schooled." For example, he knows not of "tug," "fetch," "stay," or really any other dog game or command. He also has fairly strong seperation anxiety. So to curb that, we leave the radio on in the living room. The radio in the living room only gets one station; a Top 40 station from (you guessed it) New Jersey.

So here's what the kids listen to: The Fray. All songs in every playlist are now by The Fray. Many involve "Grey's Anatomy." All involve the piano and pain. Occasionally, to break up the monotony, there's a song about the taking off of clothes, but then it is back to The Fray for a Fraytastic 23-hour block of the same three songs by The Fray over and over and over and over AND OVER AGAIN.


1 comment:

Grostic said...

My most-frequented study spot for the bar was the Barnes & Noble on Washtenaw. Barnes & Noble had about 3 CDs in the ol' CD changer and one was - can it be? yes! - The Fray. I found myself singing a The Fray song (a Fray song? goddammit) during the afternoon session of day 1 of the bar. Though I wanted to pry my eardrums out with my pencil, I knew my powers of association were kicking in and I would remember all that I had studies at the B&N.